Sunday, March 25, 2007


In WWII, NO-Gooders, slackers, deadbeats, malingerers/gold bricks, were sometimes called "McGrimm's. "One McGrimm equalled 14 sonsabitches."

A few of the McGrimms in today's House and Senate are Fagg of Arizona and Gutierrez, of Illinois. Both of them have a bill in progress giving amnesty to the frauds and lawbreakers known as illegal aliens. Some of the worst McGrimms sponsoring amnesty and the destruction of your country by untrammeled illegal infestation are: Reid, Durbin, Specter, Hagel, McCain, Kennedy, Bush, Graham, and dozens of other traitors to the American way of life.

These McGrimms are well aware that most Americans want, first, border control, all illegal alien infestation halted. Most Americans want the border fence that congress recently voted for but, Congressional McGrimms refused to fund.

Most Americans want industry that pays Congressional crooks for special treatment, fined. If industries hiring illegal aliens were fined heavily, and fraudulent Senators, Representatives , and President would cut illegals off free welfare and hospitalization you pay for, there would be no jobs for illegals, and they would voluntarily return home.

Illegal aliens have brought into our country dozens of esoteric diseases such as chicken pox, syphilis and gonhorrea, tuberculosis, whooping cough, mumps and a dozen other maladies our country had nearly eradicated, including some we haven't yet seen. Illegals can be implicated in mass disease with e-coli crappings in the spinach and lettuce fields, possibly in the dog and cat food poisonings, even in California and New Mexico forest fires set in the past few years.

Illegals have committed widespread felonies, robbery, rape, and murder all over our country, have brought tons of drugs across across our borders, have left thousands of tons of garbage and feces on our land, have deprived millions of Americans of good jobs, as those illegals roost on public welfare, and consume millions of gallons of our gasoline and diesel along with Mexican truckers, whom the Administration is allowing into the U.S. Mexican trucks from "100" Mexican trucking companies will place a terrible wear and tear upon American highways you pay for, further contribute to the inroads "Bush Scabs" have made upon the destruction of American labor. (Labor once believed that your perspiration working a job could be sold like any other commodity.)

The Democrat government lineup that wants Illegal amnesty promises to be just as bad as the Republicans have been. What we can do about the destruction of America our Senate, Congress and President are visiting upon Americans, this old man is helplessly unaware of.


Remember the "good ole days?" We voted for one man at a time, not for families. Running for political office was considered a search for excellence benefitting the citizens who depended upon winners of public office. Public service was a search for character, for integrity, kinda' like 'pro bono' attorneys who donate their services free to people who are unable to pay for legal services.
Today, state and federal political officeholders consider public office a winner-take-all job, and have they ever feathered their nests! The list of "perks" Senators and Representatives have created for themselves is legion: determine their own raises in salary, special retirement pensions (not social security), special hospitalization (Bethesda and Walter Reed), special work days, unfettered freebies...

Today, public relations firms, industries, wealthy people determine who you will vote for, and they've created dynasties.

Any of the following dynasty names come to your mind? Kennedy, Bush, Sarbanes, Sununu, Bayh,Clinton, Bono, Udall, Jackson???

Instead of unencumbered candidates, we vote for entrenched families. Running family names keeps the money in the family, keeps dirt under the rug.
